Friday, May 30, 2008

Made it to Moab

Sorry it's been a little while, but we've been fairly busy. In New Mexico, we stopped to see El Malpais National Monument. The park is an old volcanic area with lots of lava flows, but the most unique features are the caves. When lava flows, sometimes it cools on the outside but forms an underground river. This leaves behind lava tubes -- our caves. We explored one and saw the entrances of several others. When we entered the cave, a blast of cold air shocked us. It was close to 90 degrees outside, but it must have been below 50 in the cave. Why the caves remain this cold year round is a mystery to me. We camped near Grants that night.

The next day we continued on our road to Moab passing throuh Gallup, NM and turning north to Shiprock. Here we entered the beginnings of red rock country, getting a taste of what's ahead. The other notable stop was Four Corners. For a mere $3 per person you can pay the Navajo to let you stand on the border of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah. It's a bit of a tourist trap, but after you've done it, you can say that you've been in four places at once.

We drove hard to Moab and secured a campsite next to the Colorado River for the night. Campsites are very competitive here, but we did pretty well. Thanks for sticking with us. Theres much more to come.

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